Great Awakening Tour City #19 Louisville, Kentucky | Debra C Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I am so very grateful to you all for helping us to be bolder as soul winners. Sending us out to a hurting and lost world equipped with God’s Word and realizing how God’s Word touched people’s hearts and they gave their lives to the Lord is so awesome. I will forever be bolder for the Lord. Had 3 people that came to the Lord! At a nursing home, I prayed with a middle aged man who had a massive stroke and could not speak, only made sounds. I rebuked and cursed the evil spirits that have attacked him and after short time, he began to praise God and you could clearly understand what he was saying. Streets Rededication-Lady started crying

Debra C
Kentucky United States