Rodney Howard Browne – Dzintars Testimony

What a week this has been ! It seems that The Great Awakening is spreading out across all over the world and the Holy Spirit is touching and changing more and more people. Last week I was ministering on the phones answering incoming calls and praying for people’s needs. That was awesome! It may sound little controversial thou it’s truth that you may know some things but until you experience them you really didn’t know what it’s all about and how does it feels. That’s how it was to me when I prayed for people over the phones. Every time as soon as I started to do that , anointing came over me in so tangible way as if I could grab it by my hands, sometimes it seemed like an air all around has got thick !I have experienced it before , but didn’t even think that it can come upon me while on the phone.

But the best part is that not only I got under the anointing – people on the other side of the line often told that they feel unusual warmth, peace, and other ways described the presence of God. And the coolest thing is that since I prayed for about a dozen persons I got it many times or to be more exact literally spent several hours in it. While I was busy ministering to others God got busy ministering to me !!! I really got built up and refreshed. Highly recommend try it out to anyone, it’s definitely blessing not a job.-Dzintars