Rodney Howard Browne – Shawnalee F. and Ryan M. Testimony

It was just beyond words to have the Lord working miracles in these people’s lives. One woman who had knee surgery was up walking around with her pain level which dropped from an 8 or 9 to a 2 just in the few minutes we prayed on the phone. Her husband also felt his depression lift totally. God uses us all you have to be is willing to let him.  –Shawnalee F.

So this week has been insane! I have been able to be in the call center taking prayer calls this week and it’s been amazing. One lady called for help to get to the meetings this week and I told her I wasn’t able to help with money but what I could do is apply my faith with her and God would provide. So I prayed with her last Tuesday and this Thursday I sat next to someone I never met before. I introduced myself and she told me her name and it sounded familiar.

Come to find out this was the same lady I prayed with. God supernaturally provided for her, her husband, and her daughter to come to the meeting! Not only that awesome thing happened Thursday but also that night meeting was ridiculously amazing. Heaven certainty came down. The Holiness of God was made huge that night as angels sang. To be apart was amazing and it continued for me when I was on the way home, at home, and the next morning. I’m feeling His presence even now as I type this. Be encouraged, if you want a touch from God just surrender your life and allow Him to use you to pour out. Your life will never be the same! That’s a promise.  –Ryan M.

Rodney Howard Browne – Ruth N. Testimony

Today, I went to class at RBI.  The first class of the day brought up two bibles school students. They began to share how God had invaded A Bible study the night before- healings, salvations and deliverances and the awing presence of God touched and changed lives.  No more 20 minutes later I found myself in blubbering mess on the floor.  God has begun to make me hungry for Him again.  It’s time now to step out into God’s plan in faith and not allow offense or anything else in our heart.

I was in the store yesterday and approached a man on the way out to ask He knew that God loved him. He said that he had heard that before but wasn’t sure if he was going to heaven.   After I had prayed with him to accept Christ into his heart, I went to drive home.   I thank God I am chosen to witness the greatest miracle on earth of one passing from death to life; however I knew there was something more.  I almost felt like something was missing- the heart of God.  The power of the love of God to save, to heal, to deliver and to set free is to be active everyday.

I had become slack and wasn’t soul winning with a passion.  After today I make a choice to stir up the gift that is me – don’t let the devil get a word in edgewise about your purpose or future because God’s purpose and plan is already mapped out for you- yield to the power of God and stay in His presence.  –Ruth N.

Rodney Howard Browne – Dzintars Testimony

What a week this has been ! It seems that The Great Awakening is spreading out across all over the world and the Holy Spirit is touching and changing more and more people. Last week I was ministering on the phones answering incoming calls and praying for people’s needs. That was awesome! It may sound little controversial thou it’s truth that you may know some things but until you experience them you really didn’t know what it’s all about and how does it feels. That’s how it was to me when I prayed for people over the phones. Every time as soon as I started to do that , anointing came over me in so tangible way as if I could grab it by my hands, sometimes it seemed like an air all around has got thick !I have experienced it before , but didn’t even think that it can come upon me while on the phone.

But the best part is that not only I got under the anointing – people on the other side of the line often told that they feel unusual warmth, peace, and other ways described the presence of God. And the coolest thing is that since I prayed for about a dozen persons I got it many times or to be more exact literally spent several hours in it. While I was busy ministering to others God got busy ministering to me !!! I really got built up and refreshed. Highly recommend try it out to anyone, it’s definitely blessing not a job.-Dzintars

Rodney Howard Browne – Matthew B. Testimony

When thinking or talking about these meetings that are taking place live on C.T.N every night, only one word comes to mind “revival”. AMEN! I’ve been to every meeting besides one. I’ve worked security every night; even know I have been serving every night I have still been hit with the power. Guess you can say I was drinking on the job, which is some of the times I get hit with the power the most. This past week the Holy Ghost has been working on me. It is not always easy hearing some of the things the Holy Ghost speaks to you to change or to do. If could tell people one thing about these meetings. It would probably have to be that they should get in as many of these meetings as possibly.

Last night which was 01-06-2011 I was on the wall, which would have been the floor if the wall was not there. I was laughing because, I full of joy. If you have never had the joy, you really need to get down to the river church in Tampa, FL. There is really no real way I can explain the way you feel when you receive joy, it is just wow. When you receive the joy, all your worries leave. You may be saying how does it work, well it is GOD doing a work. If you have a question about any of it, come to one of the meetings for your self. You will see that this is real. AMEN!-Matthew B.


The first service of Great Awakening in Tampa – Rodney Howard Browne

When I came this year to the first service of Great Awakening in Tampa I saw many cars in the parking. It surprised me because I know most Bible School students didn’t yet come back. I though that God had sand some more thirsty, hungry and full of expectations people like me. The sanctuary was crowded and Holy Spirit started His work. The simple and powerful message of Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne opened hearts of unsaved for receiving the gospel. I was reminded again and again that the power of the Holy Ghost from the Day of Pentecost is the same today. I saw people changed. The discourage and depressed people ware happy. Others left theirs boundaries and sin at the feet of Jesus while being set free. I could see how much several scriptures from first and second chapter of Acts can change spiritual situation. It was the Gospel preached with God’s changing power. The next two days the anointing increased. People were encouraged to commit their lives to Jesus. Pastor presented the parable of wise and fool virgins with fresh revelation from God making listeners awake. Some people came on front to receive new anointing. God put in to my heart new passion for God’s things and gave me strong desire to keep intimate fellowship with Him. Third day service Pastor Adonica delivered her testimony with power of Holy Ghost. I know personally the changing power of the Holy Spirit. When I was young I was shy person, but God gave me boldness and He teaches me all the time to not be afraid of new challenges. -Sylwia P.

The River Church – Rodney Howard Browne

“This is the Lord’s doing and it’s marvelous in our eyes,” declares Psalm 118:23. I am excited and honored to be at the River Church at a time such as this! Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne’s ministry has been such a blessing not just here in Tampa, Florida but around the world. Over four hundred calls come in every night for healings, miracles, and breakthroughs.  After going to the first meeting of this revival, I knew that great things were going to take place in people’s lives. I had an opportunity to take part in the phone ministry on Tuesday night and what a blessing that was! There were calls from California, Minnesota, Ohio, and all over the United States. Every time I put my phone down, another call was coming in. There were no time for breaks; people needed prayer and we were there to bring the fire to them. One lady prayed to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues and received it immediately! God gives you the desire of your heart. I remember praying to the Lord that I wanted to be used by Him and this is surely been an answer to my prayers. He is using the fire that we get from the Great Awakening revival meetings to be poured out to others, whether on the phone or on the streets. We can’t be selfish and hold this power that is imparted to us for ourselves. There is purpose for the power. The callers desire to be filled with the Holy Ghost, delivered, and healed and I am a vessel that God can continuously use. -Shani G.

Rodney Howard Browne – Maribel C., Donna C. and Regis N’ Jody A. Testimony

Maribel C.

I praise Yahushua and the Ruach ha Kodesh for sustaining! I have Familial Dysautonomia, Autonomic Dysreflexia and Lymphoma and a host of other diseases that I refuse to claim – but, the healing is this: MY SOUL IS HEALED 100000000% HALLELU-…

Donna C.

I was so sick I couldn’t hardly move today and tonight and the more you preached on Pentecost the more my body began to line up with the Word … feeling good enough now to sit at the computer… Praise God!

Regis N’ Jody A.

You cannot fake fire and you cannot hide carnality!!! I feel the fire right now right here at home…I need the fire more now than ever before … time is short…

Ministers Conference 2010 – Angela P. Testimony

I didn’t get a whole lot out of ministers’ conference because I was serving and missed it.  What little bit I did get out of it that I overheard was confirmation to go into business.  I have a couple of businesses that I’ve been pursuing and the enemy has attacked me from every angle possible.

I even thought that it was not in the Lord’s plan for me to be a business owner until the ministers’ conference and that’s where I received confirmation from the Lord.  I realized how much of an impact a business can have on the kingdom.  The Lord was downloading a lot of information into my spirit.

I’m going to be in obedience and press on to what the Lord has called me to do.  Seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness and the rest will be added on.

Ministers Conference 2010 – Eben G. Testomony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Minister’s Conference 2010 was an amazing experience for me I learned so much in so many areas of my life. God revealed new things in my life that needed some work and new things of Him that I never knew. My vision became better and bigger for what I am called. My limited’s became less and boundaries was broken off, If I would write about everything of what God has done in that week I would use a few more pages.

But there is one part of my life that God really worked on I served 80 percent of the conference and we have two classes: Ministry of helps and Submission and Authority that really came in to practice, I sometimes had to work in kids church and after the service people would say that was the best service yet and I would go ask God why must I work and miss out on that??The next day Pastor Rodney would say that was in his top 5 services! I will just shake my head and ask why? but what I didn’t know is that God wanted me to learn how to serve even when people would come and say don’t miss this or that or wow how could you miss that out, because one day in my own ministry there is going to things that is going to sound better and things rather to do than to work hard, I must be focused on God and he will do the work inside of me while I am working! I have started learning how to focus on God and to press in while I am serving bit I have still a lot to learn and have to get a lot hungrier for God!

Rodney Howard Browne – Tricia R. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I prayed with a lady who was weeping and crying as she was receiving Christ.  She said, “I have to share this with my sister.”  I and my husband do outreach regularly.  I have prayed with 93 people in 4 days.

There were two girls walking down the street.  One of them got born again and told me it was her birthday.  Then I prayed with 3 girls and 1 guy who were pushing their grocery cart.

I talked with a man on oxygen at the nursing home.  He went through the prayer with his eyes and then he pulled down the oxygen mask halfway through the prayer.  A young staff member who came into the room said that this prayer with the man “made his day.”  I talked with him and he said he was born again by the blood of Jesus and showed me a tattoo of the entire verse of John 3:16 on his left arm from the elbow to his wrist.

In the park, I prayed with 2 ladies, and then I met a group of 3 that didn’t speak English. I gave them the Spanish script and one lady read it out loud.  All 3 got saved.

I knocked on the door and a guy answered who got saved.  A Spanish couple with a week-old baby also got saved.  They looked very happy after they said the prayer.  I had a lot of favor today, and I was able to lead 10 people to the Lord.

Reaching Souls across America

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