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Matters of the Heart | Thomas Ransome Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

As a student at RBI, I have learned the value of soul winning. It is the very heart of God put into action. We are taught as young children that God is love, yet many times we have an understanding of what that means, but not the wisdom to put that into action. Soul winning is putting that love into action, reconciling those who have not experienced that love to a place that allows them to experience the loving embrace of Daddy. Sunday, December 13th, 2009 was no different from any other Sunday except that the method of reconciliation was different.

We have several buses that go into the community and pick up people who would not otherwise go to church for any number of reasons. It was the first time that I helped out with the bus ministry and I was not necessarily expecting anything to happen. Watching people get on the bus because they were following a routine was normal to see. Kids got on the bus wanting toys, adults got on the bus because they were getting food, and teens got on the bus because their parents made them come. The bus ride home was the difference. Toys given to children were a major part of the excitement, but it was amazing to see every single hand on the bus go up when asked, “Who has Jesus in their heart?” Children were quicker to respond than the adults.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me…” and that is what happened on Sunday. Children came to the church and were received with the loving arms. We are the body of Christ and on Sunday, lives were transformed by the loving arms of Jesus Christ through us. I thank God that I was able to be a part of ministering the love of God to people door to door and then seeing the fruit of that labor. I saw the love of God on every face during that bus ride home.

Matters of the Heart | Laura P Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

On the thirteenth of December, we had an amazing outreach into the local Tampa Bay area through a massive toy distribution into the community for any child who needed a toy for Christmas. We as a church had been going out on the streets; advertising and saturating the community with fliers for weeks and leading people to the Lord through what we called “Operation Raven.” Nothing was quite so amazing as watching those same families come to church on Sunday and being able to show them the love of God in a way they had never experienced it before..The kids that were brought in were so excited to be there and were all smiles and laughter. I was helping in the children’s ministry and doing praise and worship with the band, that day and I cannot explain how beautiful it was to see two hundred and fifty children raising their hands and worshiping God. It was such an honor to be in that position and to see what God can do through you and in the lives of so many kids. The whole team on stage were blown away. The games and lesson that were taught were made so alive that when the altar call was given, there was not a dry eye in that sea of children. The graphic account of how Jesus bore our sins for us so that we could be with him was very intense and not a child moved in the whole building. When the altar call was given, one hundred and fifty-six of them poured toward the altar and committed their lives to Jesus for the very first time. That in itself made the whole day worthwhile. It was so cool to be able to be used of God in such a life changing way, it is such a blessing to volunteer at this church.

Camp Meeting 2010 | Rosemarie Morgan Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

One of the key lessons for me coming out of camp meeting is the need for us to recognize by our action that our total dependency is in God. We must get hungry for God like we have never been before. We must have a burning desire for the Fire of God to set us ablaze so that we can be changed, so that revival can start in and with us. There must be a pruning, a cutting away, a mortifying of everything and anything that stands between us and God. It takes faith in God to operate in His Kingdom. There is no choice, because without faith we cannot please God.

We must be a people lead by the Spirit of God, who stands on the Word of God knowing that we are already victorious in accomplishing what God has called us to do: to win souls, to shake nations to advance the Kingdom of God. We stand on the Word of God and nothing else moves us. We must live, breathe and eat the Word of God. It is time for us to consistently function in the realm of the Kingdom of God and not in the fleshly Kingdom of this world. We must be the light and the salt of this earth.

We must be at the place to hear God’s direction and directive for this end time. We must access all that God has for us so that we may become all God wants us to be. We must represent God here on earth in all his fullness, ascribing unto Him all honor and Glory. We cannot do this without the Fire of God burning away the sin and the dross that distracts and besets us. God wants to pour out his anointing but He must be able to trust us to handle it as his Ambassadors; we must be Holy as he is Holy.

We are at a time and place where it is going to take a radical called out group of believers to avail themselves to God to shake cities, states, nations, regions. The enemy is not our equal because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the World. We cannot continue to operate in the worldly Kingdom and beat Satan at his game. We must make a conscious decision to live for God. It is all or nothing. Nothing is sacred in our lives if we are to be used of God. This is not a game it is about being totally yielded, presenting ourselves, as a living sacrifice unto God even unto death. It is time! The only worth that the content of our Alabaster box must carry is to be poured out at the foot of Jesus. Nothing is more precious than Him.

Winter Camp Meeting | Jonathan Sofge Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Winter Camp meeting impacted my life because it was a non-stop roller coaster ride from heaven. It was a week full of serving other people, sacrificing the flesh at a higher level, and pressing into the spirit. I had the privilege of helping the security team every night of the week but one, serving people at the food tent for dinner every night, and serving food for the Pastoral brunch. Besides serving, Winter Camp meeting was a week of sacrificing the flesh at a whole new level. The week consisted of late nights from the services and early mornings of serving with little rest. It is amazing how God sustained me through it. One night, I didn’t get home until three in the morning after giving someone a ride to their home. Another thing that happened for me during camp meeting was giving an alabaster box; something that required a lot financially. I believe it was Thursday night and the man of God gave a powerful word on giving so I did and afterward, another offering was given for the Pastor and I wanted to give to him too. So I ended up giving just about everything in my bank account except some money I needed to pay my rent. Since then, God has just continued to bless me going in and coming out. Two Saturdays ago, someone ran into my truck a few days after I had given my alabaster. Well, the insurance company wound up cutting me a check and my uncle is going to fix the truck for a lot less than what they gave me so I’ll end up having a lot more money than I had before. Praise God he is so good; he is more than able to make bad situations turn around for the better.

Great Awakening Tour City #30 Minneapolis, Minnesota | Mary O Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I had the honor of going out twice with the Team while they were here in Minneapolis. The first saturday was like casting out a net. 16 Souls to the Lord. The next saturday, we were asked to leave the shopping center where we were and where 20 souls were won. I just didn’t want to let that stop me so I went outside in the wind and snow to the Brooklyn Center area and another 3 people excepted Jesus. The Lord told me that there was someone who was waiting for me…..she was the girl at the counter at the pizza place I went next. She said she had been so confused about things and didn’t know what to do. The next day, Sunday, I went to a family function and led 8 out of my 12 family members to the Lord. I have been praying for this for years. The Lord is so good. Thank you for turning up the flame on my fire.

Mary O
Maple Grove Minnesota United States

Great Awakening Tour City #30 Minneapolis, Minnesota | Janet W Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I had to leave for home on the 26th. On the way, we stopped at a truck stop and I went in to use the restroom. I asked the Lord to send someone in there that He would like me to read the script to and while I was washing my hands, a lady with a little girl came in. I knew that was the person God sent. She washed her hands and was obviously uncomfortable with the presence of God in the room. She was about to leave when she noticed her little girl was now using a stall. She kept talking to her daughter and when the little girl came out, her mother was helping her wash her hands (I wasn’t just standing there, I was waiting for my daughter since she had come in also) and I approached her and read the script. She was swaying back and forth during the reading and the swaying got more pronounced before I was done. She said the prayer and told me “Thank You” and rushed out the door. My daughter and I left the restroom and I overheard the lady telling whoever would listen that a lady prayed with her in the bathroom. It was so awesome! That makes number 9 for the Lord for the week. I am so blessed when I read the script. I was even blessed when I was rejected by so many during the week (I was rejected about 40 times) but I KNOW there were seeds planted and I kept that in mind so I didn’t get discouraged by the rejections. I have been praying for the people I came in contact with and ‘Deuteronomy 11:24 Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Eurphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border.’ I have been asking the Lord to claim every area I set my foot, for His Kingdom. Thank You, Lord! Amen.

Janet W
Karlstad Minnesota United States

Great Awakening Tour City #23 Port St. Lucie, Florida | Laura Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I have been saved almost a month today I witnessed to 9 people and out of a 4 people excepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. The first gentleman excepted the Lord with out hesitation and than told us his wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer so I gave him the prayer salvation and told him he could do the same for her. Lady angry with God-saw a notable transformation! Jean said can I ask you a guestion they said yes, she went into asking the if any one ever told them Jesus loved them, they said yes, she said can I pray a prayer with you again, yes Jean got to the end they all repeat. the Holy Ghost came over us Jean was crying, I was crying. Every person in room hugged us and said we were doing a wonderful thing.. Jean said that they usually get kicked out but she was just blown away.

Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #23 Port St. Lucie, Florida | Laura P Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Went to high school -prayed for entire bus. Seemed like people were just waiting to receive the gift.

It was amazing. In my 43 years in Christ, I had only led 2 people to the Lord. Today in under 3 hours I talked to 31 people and 30 accepted the Lord! The script is amazing! Even a muslim let me pray for him, but he wouldn’t accept Christ. So many awesome things happened today! Praise God! soulwinner is a hair dresser, going take surveys to work I went to a high school today and spoke with a young man. He said he was an atheist. I did the script with him but he wouldn’t say the prayer. He said he had football practise and I asked if I could pray with his team. He said yes, I got my partner and we walked down to where a bunch of the football team was. They all said the prayer including the atheist. They said they were gladwe had said the prayer with them. They kept thanking us over and over. Later on cars would drive by us and kids would yell at us thanking us for coming.

Laura P
Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #23 Port St. Lucie, Florida | Steve O Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Lady of guest, the guest did not want you there later the guest got up and left so Michelle went later and got her saved. Witnessed to 16 people at the nursing homes. Fourteen accepted the Lord. I was depply blessed, and amazed how easy it was. Thank you for the privilege- it was fun! After praying with a resident nurse whispered in her ear can you pray with me too-she accepted Christ. Did 5 yrs of ministry on street in this;saw more getting saved today than in all 5 yrs. Use to be a skeptic. A guy in house on couch- Fish hoping in boat -needed more laborers. Bringing it to Africa.

Steve O. B
PSL Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City # 22 Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Zaira F Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Soulwinner age 12- 10 salvations Man maintenance manager-face lit up. Lady blinked her eyes to say prayer. “These people are waiting for us-people receptive.At home she gave the survey to a lady who came for an appt. “give me a few minutes and fill this out for me” thank you so much . Our group went to the stores first we went to the gas station and Auto zone and 10 people were saved and we were evangelizing and when we went to read the scripture and he stopped us and he pulled out the same DVD tape and scripture and he had told me that we are every where and he even started doing it himself.

Zaira F
Florida United States

Reaching Souls across America

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